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3 Things Hiring Managers look for during an interview

Securing an interview is quite the feat. Recruitment teams sort through an average of 250 resumes for a single job opening and typically only 4-6 of those individuals are asked to interview (MyShorterLister). When it's down to the wire, how do you convince a hiring manager that you are the best fit? HTI's recruitment experts reveal the critical steps during the interview process that are bound to set you apart from the competition.

Do you know about the company?3 Things Hiring Managers look for-07-13 Things Hiring Managers look for-07

Hiring managers want to see that you are actively interested and invested in joining their organization. Treat the interview process like you're getting ready for a first date. Embrace the routine of searching their social media, looking up their connections, over-analyzing their posts, and creating fake scenarios in your head. This will show your preparation and investment. Once you finish your investigation, make sure to show off your findings during the interview! Mention the new facility expansion you read about or the mission statement that resonated with you. This highlights your interest in the company, assures them of your strong work ethic, and speaks to why they should hire you. Candidates who don't research the company interviewing them are 47% less likely to get the job (LegalJobs). Searching their online presence is an easy way to get ahead of the candidate competition - and make sure it's an organization you want to pursue.


How well can you discuss your relevant experience?3 Things Hiring Managers look for-08

Whether you’re working through a recruiting agency like HTI or directly with a company, hiring teams like to know that you are confident in your knowledge. They want you to expand on your industry experience and relate it to the skillset needed for the open position. Your experience is unique to you - own it. You've been a part of many solutions, diverse teams and critical discussions and they want to know about it. This doesn't mean it'll be a perfect fit. You may not be the right candidate for a company sometimes (and that's okay) but you should always be an expert on your resume and experiences.


How are you presenting yourself?

Despite the recent workplace transformation, professionalism is still key when it comes to interviewing. While some jobs allow employees to wear jeans, other positions require a company polo. Over 70% of recruiters will pass on a candidate who isn't following an appropriate dress code (LegalJobs). Therefore, the best dress code recommendation for interviewing is “it’s better to be over-dressed than under-dressed”. Have you ever been to an event where there was an assumed dress code, and you show up either underdressed or overdressed? Which one feels less embarrassing? See what I mean?

An outfit isn't the only component of a professional demeanor. In every business, there are interactions with leadership teams, customers, and people of influence where you want to present the best version of yourself. You want to show that you are hardworking, dedicated, and a great choice for them to hire. So be mindful of how you carry yourself through all phases of the interview. Whether it's the receptionist helping you with paperwork, the HR specialist reaching out with a question or a simply someone you come across in the hallway, make sure you are being your best self through the whole process.

Interviews can be a nerve wracking process, but leaning on a strong routine can help you feel more confident. Our recruiting team is here to help you through every step of your journey!



Katelyn Eberly

As a Professional Recruiter at HTI, Katelyn is dedicated to walking alongside job seekers during their career journey. She is committed to finding the right fit for both top talent and top employers.


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