Case studies & industry reports

Outplacement support for a plant closure displacing 250+ employees

Written by HTI Workplace Expert | Oct 3, 2023 3:29:52 PM

A joint-venture automotive supplier shut down operations at their manufacturing facility after a business partnership dissolution. The plant closure displaced 262 salaried, skilled hourly, and hourly associates. They partnered with HTI to help their workforce through this transition with custom plans to help their associates, most of whom hadn’t conducted a job search in over 15 years.

Project goals

  • Provide individualized career coaching
  • Connect job seekers with top employers in the area
  • Preserve company brand and reduce stress of outbound associates

Our solution

HTI’s on-site Career Transition Team worked with each of the 262 individuals to create & update resumes, provide job search & interview training, and serve as advisors & coaches through every step of the transition process. Through both group and individual trainings, HTI prepared employees to re-enter the job market.

Displaced associates were connected with area employers in the manufacturing and distribution industry through two exclusive, on-site job fairs. Additionally, we partnered with operations to ensure production wasn’t negatively impacted when associates received offers necessitating an early release. Also, by partnering with SC DEW and TAA, associates were provided on-site resources & training with state funded programs.

  • Provided career transition coaching
  • Connected associates with top employers
  • Ensured production wasn't negatively impacted

The results

When a company partners with HTI to enroll in our outplacement program, a positive impact can be seen across the board. Protect your brand image, legal & unemployment costs, and most important – you're people.

So you can rest assured that your outgoing employees are in great hands.