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Start-ups got you spooked?

When challenged with opening a new plant, the amount of uncertainty can be greatly nerve-racking. Where do you even begin?

Of course, there are thousands of questions that come to mind. Who are your allies in this process? What tools are necessary? It is the uncertainty that makes start-ups seemingly spooky. But, not to fear, HTI is here!

In opening a new plant or handling an expansion, it is key to work with a partner who knows how to navigate the realm of start-ups. Luckily, HTI is no stranger to these endeavors. Some crucial tips that are helpful in making a start-up less spooky, include efficient project planning, good leadership, and continuous adaptability.

Firstly, before anything can be accomplished, there needs to be a project plan. This plan will become the baseline for success and the vision for the company’s endgame. Some things to consider when developing a plan is training, production goals, and recruiting.

HTI provides details on exactly what a company needs to meet its goals and accomplish its objectives. For example, the production goals, the number of positions that need to be filled, and the requirements for quality candidates. Does the company start-up require several supervisors? Is training a vital aspect incorporated within the project plan? What will that process look like? Once a plan is established, everything becomes slightly less scary.

Secondly, there is the role of leadership. When starting a new project, it is important to have a leader that will keep the vision inspiring through constant building and coaching. A good leader will also ensure the team members have the self-confidence to achieve the company’s goals. Leaders will set a direction and help the start-up move forward with motivation, inspiration, and an open mind.

Additionally, with leadership there is management. Managing the delivery of the vison is essential to the success of a business. However, there will be moments when the plan skews away from the paved path. Which brings me to my next helpful tip–continuous adaptability.

You may have the most concrete and detailed plan ever, and something wrong will still happen. It will be unexpected, an inconvenience, and the only way through it will be to adapt. To pivot and learn as you go are imperative skills in the process of a start-up. Sometimes a trial-and-error run is necessary to reach your endgame. Naturally, adapting during a start-up will call for exceptional communication across the board.

With continuous adapting and effective communication, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. While there will always be some lingering uncertainty, with the right partner and the right advice, there is no spookiness to fear in a start-up.

Julianna Knollmann


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