What if you could predict job performance?

woman shaking hand

Streamline Hiring & Fuel Employee Development with The Predictive Index 

Hiring and developing the right talent is crucial for long-term success. But it’s not always a breeze to accomplish, especially in today’s competitive business landscape, which includes talent shortages, post-pandemic challenges, AI adoption & upskilling, and generational friction. 

Companies are increasingly turning to talent optimization tools like the Predictive Index (PI) to streamline hiring and development processes, ensuring that employees are both well-suited for their organization and equipped to thrive. 


So...what is the Predictive Index? 

The Predictive Index is a tool that helps organizations understand the behavioral and cognitive traits of employees and candidates. Through targeted assessments, companies gain insights into how individuals will perform in specific roles and fit within an organization's culture. 

Additionally, the PI is scientifically validated based on 383 validity studies and 37.5 million assessments. This robust scientific foundation underpins hiring, team dynamics, and performance management solutions (The Predictive Index). 


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Streamline the Hiring Process  

Predict your best fit 

Look, finding qualified candidates can be tough, especially with growing skill gaps across industries and an ever-evolving workforce landscape. In fact, 64% of HR executives say the biggest roadblock to hiring top talent is finding qualified candidates (The Predictive Index & HR Drive).  

But, what if you could “predict” the best fit for your company? This is where the Predictive Index shines by creating detailed job targets that define the necessary behavioral and cognitive traits for each position, helping hiring managers focus on the most aligned candidates. 

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Hire for fit from the start

The Predictive Index determines an individual’s levels of dominance, extraversion, patience, and formality (the main motivational drivers in the workforce). These speak to their habits of collaboration, connection, flexibility, and detail-orientation.


Bring objectivity to screening methods 

Traditional screening methods can be subjective and prone to bias. However, the PI adds objectivity through two key assessments: Behavioral assessments that match personality to job requirements, and Cognitive assessments that gauge problem-solving and learning ability. This ensures only the most suitable candidates move forward, saving time and resources. 

Level up the interview process 

Interviews are crucial but can be time-consuming and inconsistent. The PI assessment provides tailored interview questions for each candidate, enabling efficient, insightful discussions and guiding hiring managers with data in the decision-making process. 

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Data-backed interview guides to uncover candidate fit for your team.

View sample interview guide


At this point, you have the information you need to streamline the hiring process with the PI. But now what? Well, it’s crucial to use this insight to build an environment that fuels employee development. (Pro Tip: this also helps boost retention!) 


Fuel Employee Development  

Organizations that make strategic investments in employee development report 11% greater profitability and are 2x as likely to retain their employees (Gallup). And, in 95% of the interviews I've been part of over the past year, candidates repeatedly emphasized the importance of development and growth opportunities. 

With the Predictive Index, employee development begins at the hiring stage, integrating growth from the start. Below are some action steps you can take using the PI to carry that development forward. 


Personalize your onboarding 

Once the right candidate is hired, effective onboarding is crucial for sustained success. The PI offers insight into a new hire’s traits, enabling personalized onboarding plans tailored to their strengths and development areas for quick acclimation and effective performance. 

Provide ongoing development

Employee development is ongoing, and the PI is a valuable tool for this journey. By understanding employees’ drives and abilities, managers can provide targeted coaching and development that aligns with both personal goals and company objectives. 

Enhance team dynamics 

The PI enhances team dynamics by analyzing behavioral profiles to craft balanced teams with complementary strengths. This approach fosters better collaboration, minimizes conflict, and creates a more harmonious workplace. 


Leave a Lasting Impact 

Integrating the Predictive Index into your hiring and development process is the ultimate long-term gamechanger. It’s the secret weapon to facing challenges with stronger, more resilient teams – because when employees are well-matched to their roles and supported in their development, you boost job satisfaction, reduce turnover, and increase engagement.   

HTI is a certified PI partner, ready to work with your hiring team to weave the PI assessment into your recruitment, culture, and team building efforts – because if it’s people at work, it’s HTI. 



Ashley Heard

As a Workplace Strategies Consultant, I am dedicated to helping organizations thrive by creating dynamic and forward-thinking workplaces. With a passion for aligning physical environments with strategic objectives, HTI specializes in crafting innovative solutions that enhance retention, employee engagement, and your overall workplace.


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