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Stay ≠ Engaged: Combat disengagement with HTI

From “The Great Resignation” to “The Great Reshuffle”, the workforce is settling into what’s being named, “The Big Stay”, in which people are prioritizing a more long-term outlook with job security and meaningful employment as key drivers. 

So, how do we ensure that our employees that are staying are also engaged and productive?

Search statistics say 30% of the global workforce is actively searching for jobs, while the remaining 70% is passive (Apollo Technical). 

Disengagement hurts productivity and dampens morale. Companies with high employee engagement are 21% more profitable while low employee engagement can cost companies $450-500 billion each year. Furthermore, engaged workplaces saw 41% lower absenteeism (Haiilo). 

Signs of a disengaged employee 

  • They don’t engage with or commit to development opportunities 
  • They aren’t interested in the success of the company 
  • Their productivity declines 
  • There is a general lack of enthusiasm  

You may be unaware of these subtle indicators in your employees. This is why it is essential to walk alongside your people and take notice. 

From a collective standpoint, understanding employee engagement trends across the U.S. can give us a good idea of what is happening with employees and how this links to performance across organizations. 

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The better you combat disengagement, the more you can trend in the right direction in your own company. You open the door to boost morale, productivity, and yes – your bottom line too! 


Ready to combat disengagement? Consider these initiatives:

branded icons news-60Leverage your leadership

Employees who don’t have a great mentor or leader to offer encouragement and cheer them on may not feel as valued. Focus on programs, training, and development opportunities that strengthen leadership positions across your organization. The more engaged your leaders are, the more engaged your employees will be too – it’s a positive feedback loop.


Puzzle Piece RGBConnect & communicate to keep trust

It doesn’t take much. A quick drop by an employee’s office or a brief phone call to simply ask, “How are you doing? How are you feeling about current projects? How can I help?” The moment communication stops, or connection drops – trust may wander off too. To engage with employees genuinely, the line of communication and connection must remain open, honest, and bound by trust.


branded icons news-62-1 Be spontaneous & intentional with your appreciation

Don’t shy away from the small gestures to show you appreciate an employee’s valuable work. It could be a bouquet of their favorite flowers or treats waiting for them at their desk. A celebratory lunch on the company or a half day on Friday to recognize efforts great and small. This doesn’t have to be all the time – in fact, it’s better when it’s not expected. One thing is for certain, it will re-engage your people and spike motivation. 


Icons_conversation bubbles_1  Be clear & offer flexibility

The balance of both clarity and flexibility counts for a lot. When business leaders are clear about expectations and show up to guide their teams it helps employees stay aligned with their objectives in a distinct direction. But offer flexibility here too – ask what ideas your employees are piling up in their notes section. Would it help them to work in the quiet of their home or do they need to collaborate on their new idea? Be clear – but offer flexibility. 

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Building a team that stays is important. However, Stay ≠ Engaged.

No matter if you’re a facility with a shop floor to run and feel limited on communication efforts, a corporate office bustling with a wide network of departments, or a small business working to capitalize on having a nimble team – we help support all types of organizations. As a leading workplace strategy partner, we focus on your attraction & retention efforts, so you can stay focused on what sets your business apart from the rest. 


Build an engaged and committed workforce with HTI. We have an established range of programs dedicated to helping employers be an employer of choice – a place people want to come to work every day. 



Ashley Brooks

Ashley Brooks has been with HTI since 2005. Over her tenure, she has seen the ins and outs of the business, which gives depth to her role as VP of Workplace Strategies. Her specialty lies in HR services, she excels in labor strategy, organizational development, and talent stabilization.


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